Release Date: 2001-03-23
This version has been released to the public on 2001-03-23. It offers fixes and enhancements over the preview release.
- Added a new Registrykey bReloadRuleBase. If this value is set to 1, the WinSyslog Service reloads the Ruleset everytime when receiving a Syslog-message. This is very useful for testing and debugging a complex rule base.
- Enhanced the Client with the Rulebase Wizard, which helps all users to build a basic Ruleset. The Wizard also can Import older settings from WinSyslog 3.2 (And lower).
- Added a new Toolbar into the Client, where all function like Save or Reload … can be called.
- Added more support for controlling the Service. The Client can now secure Start, Stop and Restart the service. If an error occurs while these actions, a detailed error message occurs
- Added more Support for Remote Configuring. That means you can configure and maintain a WinSyslog Service on other machines. This is very useful, you don’t need a physical access to the machine running the WinSyslog Service.
WinSyslog 3.3 Beta 2 (Build 114)